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Garlic Rocker by Joseph Joseph

Every once in awhile, someone designs a product so perfectly that it redefines the category. As a designer myself, I really get excited when I find such a product and here’s one I have to share with you.

For the record, I’ve had many garlic presses over the years and they’re all messy to use and a pain to clean. Chopping garlic by hand is ok, but it makes your hands smell like … well, garlic!

Now you can donate all those other garlic gadgets and replace them with this, the only one you will need for the rest of your life. In fact, pass it down to the kids when you’re gone! Here’s why:

  1. It’s fast! Place a clove of garlic on a hard surface like a plastic cutting board, then push down and rock back and forth. The little bits of garlic get pushed up through the holes.
  2. It’s easy! The curved design holds the crushed garlic and the shape is contoured so a quick scrape with a spoon makes it easy to add to a pan or bowl. Repeat as many times as you like.
  3. No mess! Just run it under water and wash or throw it in the dishwasher!

Remember, garlic is good for you and making it easier to be healthier is a win/win!

If you have a favorite tool or gadget that makes life a little better (for the kitchen or otherwise), let us know! Send us: 1) a photo (better yet, one of you using it!), 2) a short explanation of why you love it, and 3) where to get it, to:

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